South Tarrant Valley Parish Council

January 2020 Minutes



TUESDAY, 14th January 2020

Present: Councillors Beale, Cossins (Chairman), Deketeleare, Eaton, Garland, Munford, Parker, Sweetland, Thomson and Topliss
In attendance:  County Councillor Brown, one member of public, Clerk Mrs Huck

1.  Apologies for absence
Received from Councillor Harding and County Councillor Brown.

2.  Declarations of interest
None received for this meeting.

3.   Minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2019
The minutes of the November meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman, subject to an amendment, i.e, Councillor Beale had tended her apologies in advance and so was not present.

4.   Report from the County Councillor
County Councillor Brown had tended his apologies for this meeting. It was noted the team working on the Dorset Council Climate Change and Ecological Emergency had issued a public Call for Ideas to be submitted by 28th February.

The Clerk was asked to follow up the matter of insurance for refurbished fingerpost signs.

5.   Open discussion of up to 30 minutes – members of the public may raise items
(a) Resurfacing \ hatching markings on B3082 – emails from Highways had been forwarded to councillors, outlining the approach to be taken to resurfacing which was currently scheduled over the next two years. The Clerk confirmed the Senior Technical Officer at Highways was considering a reconfiguration of the hatching at the crossroads post resurfacing.
(b) Tarrant Keyneston Mill had asked whether advertising might be placed within the parish. It was confirmed verges were part of Dorset Council Highways jurisdiction. A sign placed on the village bus shelter was not considered suitable by councillors, given it would advertise a private business.
(c) Tarrant Rushton waste collection – it was queried whether a smaller lorry would be more appropriate for use in the village and the Clerk was asked to contact Dorset Waste Partnership on this.
(d) Draft Local Plan – workshop on 3rd February in Dorchester. Cllr Beale was thanked for agreeing to attend this.

6.   Presentation of financial statement for November-December 2019
The Clerk had previously emailed the financial statement showing full details of income and expenditure in November-December set against budget, with copies available at the meeting.

7.   To approve cheques for payment as per schedule
Council approved and instructed the signing of the following cheques:

Cheque approved at November meeting
674Cllr Eaton


Cheques for approval 14th January 2020 meeting
675TK Village Hall hire



At agreed rate



678Clerk’s salary

At agreed rate

679Clerk’s expenses




8.   To consider and approve a budget for the 2020\21 financial year in support of setting the precept
The Clerk had previously emailed the proposed budget following review of the draft at the November meeting, with the Council further considering it before the submission of the Precept to Dorset Council by its requested deadline of 31st January 2020. It was noted the Precept was held at the same basic amount as for the 19\20 financial year but would vary in the Band D house charge by £0.15 per year due to the very slightly lowered house numbers.
War Memorial budget line – The Council thanked Mr Kelly for his continued and valued work on caring for the Memorial site, including the voluntary donations in terms of planting, etc that he has made and especially with the commemoration of VE Day scheduled for May. It was:
RESOLVED that the total budget figure should be set at £5000, meaning a Parish Council precept for a Band D House of £23.30 for 2020\2021 financial year (0.65{e705dda09cc5b8c55c137735be8bc595496a86e27d0427c0d275aeaedcbf2c31} increase on 19-20).

9.  Consultations
(a) 2/2019/1195/LBC – Tarrant Rushton House Rawston Road Tarrant Rushton – awaiting result of Appeal to the Secretary of State.
(b) 2/2019/1246/HOUSE – Thistles  Valley Road Tarrant Keyneston DT11 9JG – approved and having taken into consideration concerns raised by Parish Council.
(c) 2/2019/1453/HOUSE – Horners Wimborne Road Tarrant Keyneston DT11 9JG – approved
(d) 2/2019/1732/HOUSE – 11 Rawston Road Tarrant Rushton DT11 8SD – waiting decision. No site visit was considered necessary following confirmation from the applicant’s agent this second application was minimally different to the first.

10. Fingerpost directional signs – refurbishment project for the sign at (a) Tarrant Rushton and (b) Ashley Wood Golf Course
The Chairman would follow this up with the project lead who had been unable to attend this meeting.

11.  Highways – to report and decide on any matters, including pavement alongside the B3081
(a) Road markings and signage on the B3082 agreed with Highways in July 2019 had been laid and installed and the Clerk was asked to thank the Department for this.
(b) At the November meeting, a resident raised the matter of the footway alongside the B3082 being in a poor state with vegetation reducing its usable width and had highlighted this particularly with regard to wheelchair\mobility scooter users.
As previously confirmed, this had been reported to Highways during 2019 from February onwards and the Clerk had consistently attempted to progress this without success. Voluntary work to complete this was discussed. The Clerk was asked to contact the County Councillor to assist in resolving the issue.
(c) A pothole close to the crossroads in Tarrant Keyneston required reporting for repair.

12.  Footpaths
Cllr Topliss’ contact details had been given in the Tarrant Times. There was nothing further to report.

13.  Groundwater flooding
(a) Cllr Deketeleare and Cllr Thomson had prepared and put an article in the December Tarrant Times following groundwater flooding possibilities issued by the Environment Agency, with residents being encouraged to sign up for free online flood alerts if possible and also being given a telephone number. The information would also be put on the Council website.
(b) Cllr Deketeleare and the Clerk advised free sandbags could be ordered from the Environment Agency and stored by the Council should it be considered necessary in the future.

14.  Asset review
Cllr Thomson had carried out an asset review for which the Council expressed their thanks. His report had been circulated to councillors.
(a) Some vegetation cut back was required at the St Richard’s Close grit bin and the bus shelter.
(b) The Clerk confirmed the Tarrant Crawford noticeboard had been cleaned and suggested the Tarrant Keyneston noticeboard be replaced in the coming year, given there was now some water ingress.
(c) Tarrant Keyneston village hall bench – Cllr Garland confirmed this would be done as part of the spring clean.

15.  Annual Risk Management meeting – review assets, risk management and insurance arrangements
Cllrs Cossins, Garland and Thomson volunteered to form the working party and the Clerk would arrange a convenient date.

16.  VE Day commemoration – Friday 8th May
Cllr Eaton provided an update on the preparations for the commemoration on Friday 8th May. The ticketed event would take place at 2.30pm in the Tarrant Keyneston Village Hall, with an afternoon tea, attendees were encouraged to be in costume, playing of the Last Post and a Commemorative Toast. Cllr Eaton was thanked, together with supporting volunteers, for staging the afternoon.
A suggested donation from Council reserves was briefly discussed and it was unanimously:
RESOLVED the Council give £50 towards the cost of holding the VE Day commemoration event.

17.  Whitecliff PPG Cycling project
Further information was yet to be available on this joint project by the Whitecliff Patient Participation Group to provide a safe cycling opportunity through the proposed use of the Tarrant Rushton airfield site.

18.  Sign cleaning
It had been confirmed the public house car park and facilities would be available to the community services team as a base for the day once a date had been agreed.

19.  DAPTC
A Northern Area meeting was to be held on 15th January, though the Council representatives could not attend on this occasion.

20.  River Tarrant
There was no reported flooding from the river, though groundwater flooding was a possibility.

21.  Correspondence.
The Clerk confirmed all correspondence had previously been forwarded to councillors.

22.  To decide items for next agenda.
Mobile phone signal and reception – restricted to phone company choice
Possibility of house numbering to aid emergency services and delivery drivers

23.   Next meeting date
Set for 10th March 2020 and Councillors Eaton and Munford gave their apologies in advance. Further meetings on 12th May, 14th July, 8th September, 10th November.

Signed ……………………………….(Chairman)        Date …………………………………….