South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

September 2023 Minutes


at 7pm in The Anne Biddlecombe Hall, Tarrant Keyneston

Present: Councillors Cossins (Chairman), Deketeleare, Eaton, Munford and Sweetland.
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck, County Councillor Brown, 2 residents

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Beale, Garland, Harding, Parker, Thomson
and Thompson.

None were received.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2023
It was:
RESOLVED the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4. Report by County Councillor
Cllr Brown reported the following:

  • No Dorset school had been affected by the recent RAA concrete situation. The rest of the Dorset Council estate was being surveyed.
  • Trading Standards had brought a successful prosecution on behalf of a Dorset resident sold a non-road worthy car by a dealer in another county.
  • Dorset Council apprenticeships scheme had now exceeded the target number of offers and take up of apprenticeships.
  • Proactive action had been taken to secure the handrail at Tarrant Monkton bridge.
  • Of concern were the number of housing association properties being allowed to deteriorate and then being sold off, reducing the number available. There was a need for the housing stock to be kept up to standard to stop the practice.

5. Open discussion
The Clerk reported on correspondence received from a resident of Ashley Wood Park Homes on their concerns over the speed limit past the Park. It is their intention to attend the November meeting.
Litter bins – it was clarified the bin in Tarrant Keyneston is emptied on a Council paid-for basis, unlike those elsewhere in the Parish. Missed collections had resulted in it needing to be reported to Dorset Waste Partnership and the Parish Council account had been credited. It was also highlighted any overfull bin can be reported online or by calling Dorset Council.

6. Community Speedwatch (CSW) and Speed Indicator Device (SID)
Two members of the CSW attended the meeting. They reported two Tru Cam sessions had been held in addition to the regular work. A potential third site had also been identified for CSW work near Ashley Wood Park. The councillors welcomed this.

Perceived speeding along Valley Road both sides of the B3082 was discussed, including the potential for a SID site if a further traffic survey was carried out by Highways.
After further discussion it was:
RESOLVED the Council accept the CSW’s offer to investigate whether they could carry out sessions on Valley Road.
Councillors reported appreciation for the improved fencing close to the ‘dog leg’ near Tarrant Keyneston House which had created a more accessible verge for pedestrians in what was a narrow part of the Valley Road.

7. Precept setting and supporting funding for a Speed Indicator Device
A previous Council Resolution had read:
RESOLVED the Council looked favourably upon the potential raising and using of the Precept to help fund a SID and consultation with the residents to follow, starting at the Annual Parish Meeting.
This had been done, with those present at the Parish Meeting giving a positive response. CSW reported £1400 had already been raised from two fundraising events organised by themselves and attended by residents. The future of these funds was not discussed at this meeting.

This agenda item allowed for further Council discussion on the way forward, ahead of the budget and precept setting in November and January. Costings for a SID project are shown at Annex A to these minutes.

It was AGREED the following suggestions be put forward to a separate residents’ meeting:

  • A two year project with a 50{e705dda09cc5b8c55c137735be8bc595496a86e27d0427c0d275aeaedcbf2c31} increase in the 23 24 financial year precept (£25 per household) to take it to approximately £37 for the years of 24 25 and 25 26. It would then return to a similar pre rise level.
    If the SID project is to be completed in 24 25, then the Council to take the 50{e705dda09cc5b8c55c137735be8bc595496a86e27d0427c0d275aeaedcbf2c31} of the project cost from Reserves. These reserve funds would then be replaced by the portion of the 25 26 precept. (Note: the Clerk expressed concern with this option, confirming the Reserves figure at the end of the 22 23 financial year had been £5200, as per the published end of year accounts.)
  • A one year project with a 50{e705dda09cc5b8c55c137735be8bc595496a86e27d0427c0d275aeaedcbf2c31} increase in the 23 24 precept (£25 per household) to take it to £37 for 24 25. It would then return to approximately pre rise level. The remaining project funds to be raised through ongoing dedicated fundraising.
  • The Council take no action, i.e., no precept rise connected to the SID project.

Post meeting note – a further suggestion was put forward of:
• No Parish precept rise connected to the SID project. Instead, ongoing efforts to fundraise centred in Tarrant Keyneston with as many residents as possible involved to find 100{e705dda09cc5b8c55c137735be8bc595496a86e27d0427c0d275aeaedcbf2c31} of the project costs. This could include approaching Tarrant Keyneston residents directly through a leaflet drop.

The Chairman and Clerk would arrange the date for a residents’ meeting.

8. Emergency \ Resilience Plan
As Cllr Thompson was not present, the Clerk updated the Council on progress. A grant process to support an emergency generator installation at the Anne Biddlecombe Hall had been unsuccessful when the provider advised the Council would be required to find £10000 of the £20000 cost.
The draft Plan had reverted to the use of portable gas stoves etc at the Hall to help with the provision of hot drinks etc in the event of a power outage. It would be made available to Councillors following the meeting.

9. Fingerpost – Tarrant Keyneston Mill post roundel
Cllr Harding was not able to be present at the meeting and so it was asked this be a November agenda item. The previous Resolution in May read: “…that, if Cllr Harding felt the fixings could provide security for the roundel, then it be replaced.”

10. Off-Grid Homes With Oil Fired Boilers
Cllr Thompson had provided an update ahead of the meeting

  • Dept of Energy and Net Zero had still not issued a response to their consultation paper of October 2021.
  • Interest in the subject had been significant of late. There had been numerous letters published and articles written in the Daily Telegraph and possibly other newspapers.
  •  “Scores” of Tory MPs have raised concerns about the impact of a ban on new sales [after 2026], citing fears about the knock-on cost implications for rural households reliant on oil boilers.
  • HMG issued a further consultation (on 31 August 2023). While a newspaper suggests people will be offered more than £6,000 in the boiler upgrade scheme, there had been no specific mention of this in the new consultation.
  • The new consultation suggests that previous conditions for qualification for the grant may be changed. This could remove the requirement for householders to install loft or cavity wall insulation in order to qualify.
  • Grants may be given to varying levels “depending on the customer’s property type or existing fuel source.#
  • The Energy Secretary had changed following Grant Shapps’s appointment as Defence Secretary. This may or may not affect progress and possible decisions.

The Council asked this be a November meeting agenda item.

11. Villages and Parish Council Websites
The website developer had confirmed this could be achieved whilst still meeting the compatibility guidelines for local government sites. It was:
RESOLVED the Parish Council and village website be combined at a cost of £150 to £200, with payment coming from the 22 23 budget line allotted to village website reporting.

12. Green Canopy Project:
(a) Proposed tree planting – alongside B3082 Tarrant Keyneston
Cllr Beale was unable to attend the meeting. She had previously met with the County Arboricultural Officer, the landowner and a volunteer. All agreed that only a small area, adjacent to an existing mature tree was suitable so as not to interfere with sight lines for traffic.

The purchasing of mature trees was not viable and so the planting of saplings would be considered, for which there would be no charge to the Council. This would be a November agenda item.

(b) Queen’s Copse – wildflower area – path grass cutting
Cllr Munford reported it was yet to be seen if the rattle grass had established itself which would give wildflower seeds the best opportunity to thrive. There was some discussion on whether the area had been cut by Dorset Council contractors ahead of the flowers already there setting seed but this was unknown.

13. Financial statements for July and August 2023 and approval of cheques scheduled
The Clerk had previously emailed the financial statements showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget, together with a bank reconciliation. It was:
RESOLVED (a) the July and August statements be approved and signed; (b) the cheques shown in the schedules be approved and signed;

14. Planning application updates on the following (Dorset Council reference numbers):
01645 / T Crawford / T Crawford sewerage works / Refused
01700 / T Keyneston / Kings Ransome Valley Road / Outstanding
03187 / T Crawford / Barn Access to Tarrant Abbey / Withdrawn

04420 Little Thatch, Tarrant Keyneston – Appeal against Refusal. The Clerk reported receipt of a call for any further comments. The Parish Council had no objection to the original application. Refusal appeared to be based on sustainability issues. Discussion showed nothing further to add by the Council.

15. Council Standing Orders – review\readopt the current Standing Orders
It was confirmed the current Orders were adopted in 2015. The Clerk would investigate the latest model version available and circulate ahead of the November meeting.

The weekly newsletters were being forwarded. The Clerk would attend the annual conference on 28th September. Nothing further to report.

17. Two Rivers Benefice
In Cllr Parker’s absence, the Chairman reported there was ongoing progress with the reorganisation of the Benefice and it appeared to be working well.

18. Annual Parish Meeting – review of meeting arrangements
The 2023 meeting had been the first to be held on a separate evening from a Council meeting, with a guest speaker and refreshments available. It was considered to have been successful and AGREED the format be repeated in 2024.

19. River Tarrant
No update available. Noted the river was dry at Tarrant Keyneston weir with water flowing further up.

20. To decide items for next agenda
Two Rivers Benefice
Emergency \ Resilience Plan
River Tarrant
Tarrant Keyneston fingerpost roundel
Off grid homes with oil fired boilers
Queen’s Copse – wildflower planting
Tree planting – B3082 verge in Tarrant Keyneston
Village \ Council websites

21. Date of next meeting
This is set for Tuesday 14th November at 7pm.


ANNEX A to 12th September 2023 Minutes

Speed indicator Device – Approximate Costings 2023 based on information provided by Dorset Council Highways Department
First option – 2 sites in total on the B3082, with those sites already approved by Dorset Council Highways
ItemCost minus VATVAT (reclaimed)Total inc VAT
Vario SID unit2595519  
Solar modification175   
Brackets x 2 for device19549  
Posts x 2 (highest figure)1000   
Deployment management estimate350   
B3082 x 2 sites cost  £4883 


Second option – 3 sites in total – 2 approved sites on the B3082 already approved and

1 site on Valley Road needing approval

ItemCost minus VATVAT (reclaimed)Total inc VAT
HCC Speed Survey for Valley Road250   
Vario SID unit2595519  
Solar modification175   
Brackets x 3 for device29173  
Posts x 3 (highest figure)1500   
Deployment management estimate500   
B3082 x 2 sites + Valley Road x 1 site cost £5903