South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

March 2023 Minutes


at 7pm in The Anne Biddlecombe Hall, Tarrant Keyneston

Present: Councillors Cossins (Chairman), Beale, Deketeleare, Eaton, Parker, Thompson and Sweetland.
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck, County Councillor Brown

1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Garland, Harding, Munford and Thomson.

2. Declarations of interest not previously disclosed and to grant dispensations as requested.
None disclosed and none requested.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2023
It was:
RESOLVED the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4. Report by County Councillor
Cllr Brown reported the following:
Help with energy bills – Central government had launched a variety of schemes designed to help those who were previously unable to receive help with their energy bills. The Energy Bills Support Scheme (Alternative Fund) and Alternative Fuel Payment (Alternative Fund) were both available online.
Coronation weekend – applications for road closures for street parties will be expedited by Dorset Council.
SignVideo and Dorset Council – this partnership enables deaf residents to communicate at the Council’s customer access points on online via a Zoom call.

Cllr Brown was asked about the need for highway litter clearances. He agreed they were called for and were ongoing. Councillors also thanked the litter picking volunteers in the Parish.

5. Open discussion
There was concern expressed following a recent crime involving the death of raptors in the area. Whilst a prosecution had been successful, there was comment on the sentence, some considering it to be lenient. Whether responsibility for gamekeepers’ actions lay with the landowner was also highlighted.

6. Community Speedwatch and Speed Indicator Device
Councillors confirmed information on the Speedwatch Team’s progress is shared on the Tarrant Keyneston Whatsapp group and on behalf of the residents expressed their thanks for the voluntary and dedicated ongoing work of the team.

Financial contribution by the Council to the fundraising was discussed. Whilst contributing to the efforts was intended, match funding of the eventual amount was not considered prudent, given the possible end of year reserves figures now available. Incorporating an amount in the 24\25 budget was an item for future discussion, given the Council was made of grouped parishes.

It was requested Items 15 and 17 be brought forward for discussion. This was agreed.

15. Emergency \ Resilience Plan
Cllr Thompson reported on the drafting of the Plan. Councillors had received a copy prior to the meeting together with queries which Cllr Thompson raised. It was AGREED there was a need for the Plan. The Clerk highlighted a small working party had previously been mentioned by councillors and, as a beginning, Cllr Deketeleare volunteered to assist Cllr Thompson.
The Clerk suggested perhaps councillors consider whether they might know of and so could ask any residents who may be prepared to assist with this one-off small .project, i.e., the plan’s formation.

17. Highways and Footpaths
Footpaths – Cllr Thompson reported a path through a crop in need of spraying to increase its visibility. The Chairman undertook to arrange this.
Highways – potholes in the surface of the B3082 and its repair in Tarrant Keyneston scheduled for June was discussed. The Clerk had investigated possible traffic lights at the Valley Road \ B3082 junction – Highways did not feel the statistics warranted consideration.

7. Coronation of HM King Charles III
The Coronation is to be held on 6th May. There was brief discussion around celebrations in the Valley and in general. The volunteers who kindly took on the organisation of the Queen’s Platinum tea party were unavailable this year and, although there was an awareness of this, there had been no volunteers taking their place.

8. Possible tree planting – B3082 verge
Cllr Beale reported there was villager interest in tree planting on the B3082 verge in Tarrant Keyneston opposite the Queen’s Copse. The Clerk confirmed Dorset Council Highways were not opposed to the location and advice from the Arboricultural Officer had been passed to Cllr Beale. It was requested Cllr Beale contact the residents involved and:
RESOLVED there be further investigation of tree planting on the B3082 verge and a report come back to a future council meeting in order to agree to the full proposal.

9. Financial statements for January and February 2023 and approval of cheques
The financial statements had previously been emailed showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget, together with a bank reconciliation. It was then:
RESOLVED (a) the January and February statements be approved and signed; (b) the cheques shown in the schedules be approved and signed.

Cheques for approval:
K. Huck At agreed rate
K. Huck 40.20
Cllr Eaton 143.88
ICL Web Design 105.60
Dorset Council 10.88

10. Financial grants
Councillors considered payments prior to the end of the financial year. The Clerk highlighted the 22 \ 23 budget line provisions and reported a letter had been received from Blandford Town Council. It was:
RESOLVED (a) £150 grant be given to Dorset Citizens Advice as per the budget, (b) £100 be granted to Blandford Town Council to support the provision of the public conveniences, and, (c) a payment of £80 be made, as per the 22/23 budget, to cover the Clerk’s office heat, lighting etc.

(Cllr Deketeleare left the meeting with apologies at this point.)

11. Bus shelter – St Richard’s Close
Cllrs Cossins and Sweetland confirmed the roofing of the shelter would be replaced in the coming weeks, with materials and labour free of charge to the Council. They were thanked for this. Possible shelving was mentioned, to allow for the storing of books etc off the concrete floor. Painting of the shelter was also discussed.

12. Planning application updates on the following (Dorset Council reference numbers):
Tarrant Keyneston 00420 – refused; The Clerk reported the grounds for this. Councillors felt confused by the reasons given.
The property known as Little Thatch in Tarrant Keyneston was mentioned as being of concern in terms of its structural condition\stability\future use. The Clerk would report back to the next meeting.
Tarrant Rushton 07262 – pending; The Clerk confirmed 6 councillors had registered no objection and so that was the response to the planning consultation ahead of the 19th January reply deadline.

13. Queen’s Copse – wildflower seeding
Cllr Munford was not able to be present. He had reported his intention at the previous meeting to prepare the ground under the Queen’s Copse to plant rattle grass. Once established this would give wildflower seeds the best opportunity to establish. Councillors asked it be a May agenda item to give an update.

14. Provision of new waste bins in (a) Tarrant Keyneston, and (b) Tarrant Rushton
The Clerk confirmed the installation of the two bins and councillors confirmed they had been appreciated by residents. Collection was scheduled for twice monthly by Dorset Waste Partnership and this had been allowed for in the 22/23 budget and included in the 23/24 budget. The Tarrant Rushton bin had not incurred a collection fee since it had replaced a previous smaller bin.

(See item 15 previously in these Minutes)

16. Fingerposts
On behalf of Cllr Harding, the Clerk updated councillors on the replacement of the Keyneston Mill roundel after its theft last year. The replacement would be at a cost of £250 plus VAT and have security fixings. As there were a lower number of councillors present to discuss the expenditure, it was AGREED this be deferred to the next agenda.

(See item 17 previously in these Minutes)

18. Villages website development and launch
The site had been launched via the Tarrant Times and the village Whatsapp group and had received an increase number of visits. As agreed at the previous meeting, the Clerk had taken on the reporter role for a period of 3 months (March to May 2023) and councillors were requested to send items for publication.

It was highlighted that, while it was Tarrant Keynestons site’ under discussion, the other 3 village sites could be launched if councillors felt it useful.

19. Noticeboards – Tarrant Crawford – replacement
Cllr Parker confirmed the whereabouts of the lost noticeboard and also that agreement had been given for its replacement to be sited at Abbey Farm underneath the front shelter. Since it was considered repairable, the Clerk would investigate an insurance claim as appropriate.

No items for report from the representatives.

21. River Tarrant
The River Tarrant had previously been an agenda standing item and it had been requested this be reinstated. There was discussion on vegetation debris in the river alongside and beyond the footpath through to Tarrant Crawford. The Chairman stated he would be attending a meeting of the River Tarrant Preservation Society where this could be further discussed.

22. Items for next agenda
Emergency Resilience Plan
River Tarrant
Queens Copse – wildflower planting
Village website
Bus shelter
Little Thatch

23. Date of next meeting
This was set for 9th May 2023 (Annual plus Ordinary Council Meeting)

Signed ……………………………….(Chairman) Date ……………………………………