South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

January 2023 Minutes


at 7pm in The Anne Biddlecombe Hall, Tarrant Keyneston

Present: Councillors Garland (Vice Chairman), Beale, Deketeleare, Eaton, Harding, Munford, Parker and Thomson.
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck, County Councillor Brown

1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Cossins, Cllr Sweetland and Cllr Thompson.
In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman Cllr Garland took the seat for this meeting.

2. Declarations of interest not previously disclosed and to grant dispensations as requested.
Cllr Harding declared an interest in Agenda item 12, Planning

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th November 2022
It was:
RESOLVED the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true record and signed by the Vice Chairman (in the absence of the Chairman).

4. Report by County Councillor
This item was delayed, allowing for Cllr Brown to join the meeting later.

5. Open discussion
(a) There was concern expressed following a recent crime involving the death of raptors in the area. The Clerk would contact the local Neighbourhood Policing Team to request further information.
(b) The Coronation of HM King Charles III is to be held on 6th May. There was brief discussion around possible celebrations and it was AGREED this be a March agenda item.
(c) Central government had announced additional funding support for energy bills for park home residents. Cllr Eaton and the Clerk would investigate further.

6. Community Speedwatch B3082 Tarrant Keyneston
Councillors confirmed information on the Speedwatch Team’s progress is shared on the Tarrant Keyneston Whatsapp group and expressed their thanks for the ongoing work of the volunteers, especially at this time of year.

7. Speed Indicator Device (SID)
A fundraising event had taken place in December 2022 with the intention of raising monies for the purchase of a device. The Clerk reported on behalf of the organisers that over £800 had been raised on the evening together with £200 from the sale of Jubilee mugs. Councillors thanked the organisers and confirmed a good evening had by all attending. It was noted another was intended for June.
Financial contribution by the Council to the fundraising was discussed. Whilst contributing to the efforts was intended, match funding of the eventual amount was not considered prudent, given the end of year reserves figures now available. Incorporating an amount in the 23\24 budget was an item for future discussion, given the Council was made of grouped parishes.

8. Financial statements for November and December 2022 and approval of cheques
The financial statements had previously been emailed showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget, together with a bank reconciliation. The Clerk apologised for the need to send out an amended versions of both the September October and November December statements, explaining it was correcting an error which became apparent when preparing the latest statement. It was then:
RESOLVED (a) the November December statements be approved and signed; (b) the cheques shown in the schedules be approved and signed.

Cheques for approval:
772 Clerk’s salary At agreed rate
773 HMRC 1.96
774 Clerk’s expenses 41.30                      493.66
775 – from reserves to reimburse Clerk’s
expenditure on replacement laptop and

9. Budget 2023\2024
Councillors considered a draft budget for the financial year ahead of setting the precept request. It had been amended as shown from the November minutes. Having considered the expected end of year figures and the ongoing desire to continue supporting the Citizens Advice and public conveniences in Blandford, it was:

(a) the Grants line to be increased by £100 to £250 to facilitate supporting the above annually without impacting on reserves ; and,
(b) the proposed 2023 \ 24 budget be accepted and a precept request be made to Dorset Council for £5395.00.

Further possible lines for inclusion in the 24 \ 25 budget were discussed. It was AGREED the following be included: 1. Asset Depreciation and Maintenance, (2) Speed Indicator Device.
The latter would be subject to consultation with residents, hence not being included in the 23 \ 24 budget.

10. Council laptop\printer
The Clerk reported on the completed replacement of both the Council’s laptop and printer, with the cost being £649 and being financed by accrued and ringfenced reserves. This included the purchase and installation of software, printer ink cartridges and a one off 3 year replacement payment for the printer. The Council’s Asset Register would be amended to reflect this. A yearly budget line of £75 would be included to allow for accrual for the next replacement, as had been the case with this.

11. Bus shelter – St Richard’s Close
Cllrs Cossins and Sweetland are investigating this and as both were absent, the Clerk would request an update when available and was asked to make this a March agenda item.

12. Planning application updates on the following (Dorset Council reference numbers):
Tarrant Keyneston 00420 – refused; Tarrant Rushton 02997 – granted;
Tarrant Rushton 07262 – The Clerk confirmed 6 councillors had registered no objection and so this would be the response to the planning consultation ahead of the 19th January reply deadline.

13. Queen’s Copse – wildflower seeding
Cllr Munford reported his intention to prepare the ground under the Queen’s Copse to plant rattle grass. Once established this would give wildflower seeds the best opportunity to establish. He asked it be a March agenda item to give an update.

14. Provision of new waste bins in (a) Tarrant Keyneston, and (b) Tarrant Rushton
The Clerk reported DWP were currently investigating whether the siting of the Tarrant Keyneston bin would be suitable in terms of emptying prior to its installation.

15. Emergency \ Resilience Plan
The Clerk updated the Council on behalf of Cllr Thompson. It was considered loss of power would be the main focus and suggested the plan formation may be through a working party approach. It would be a March agenda item.

16. Villages website development and launch
In the absence of a Tarrant Keyneston (TK) village reporter, the Clerk suggested taking on the role for a 3 month period which was AGREED. The TK launch was considered to be best approached through the village Whatsapp and the Tarrant Times. It was confirmed the Tarrant Times Editor had been consulted at the start of the development process so was aware. The Clerk would put together a draft item and send it to the working party members.

The Clerk highlighted that, whilst the other village websites were not being discussed, they could be available if the councillors considered they would be useful.

17. Noticeboards – Tarrant Crawford – replacement
Cllr Parker confirmed the whereabouts of the lost noticeboard and also that agreement had been given for its replacement to be sited at Abbey Farm underneath the front shelter. The Clerk would investigate an insurance claim.

18. Highways
The Clerk reported waiting for a response from Highways on the suggested traffic lights
on the B3082 at the Tarrant Keyneston crossroads.

The AGM had considered a number of motions which were passed. Further information was available from the DAPTC website \ the Clerk.

20. River Tarrant
The River Tarrant had previously been an agenda standing item and it had been requested this be reinstated. There was concern about the amount of vegetation debris in the river alongside and beyond the footpath through to Tarrant Crawford. The Clerk was requested to contact the riparian owners.

21. Items for next agenda
Village website
Bus shelter
Coronation of King Charles III
Resilience Plan
Tarrant Keyneston and Tarrant Rushton wastebins
River Tarrant

22. Date of next meeting
This was set for 14th March 2023.