November 2022 Minutes

at 7pm in The Anne Biddlecombe Hall, Tarrant Keyneston

Present: Councillors Cossins (Chairman), Beale, Eaton, Garland, Munford, Parker, Sweetland, Thomson and Thompson.
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck, County Councillor Brown

1. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Deketeleare and Cllr Harding.

2. Declarations of interest not previously disclosed and to grant dispensations as requested
The Chairman declared an interest Min 12 and planning application 02977.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September 2022
It was noted the date of the previously cancelled meeting needing amending and with that:
RESOLVED the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4a. Report by County Councillor
This item was delayed, allowing for Cllr Brown to join the meeting later as he had advised.
(See min 4b later in these minutes.)

5. Open discussion
There were no items for discussion.

The Chairman proposed the financial items be brought forward, enabling discussion of the staff salary budget line with only parish councillors present. This was AGREED.

11. Budget 2023\2024
Councillors considered a draft budget ahead of setting the precept in January 2023. The Clerk left the room to enable the free discussion of the salary increase in line with the National Salary Award for 2022 23. It was also decided to increase the heating and electricity budget line and the computer line.
RESOLVED (a) the Clerk’s 2022 23 salary be increased as per the Local Government Agreed Award; (b) Heating, electricity line be increased from £60 to £80, and (c) the computer line be increased from £50 to £75.

9. Council laptop
Councillors considered replacement of the Council’s laptop and printer having received information from the Clerk and Cllr Thompson on possible options, work requirements and that reserves had been ringfenced for the previous 9 years at £50 per year (£450). It was:
RESOLVED the Clerk purchase, on behalf of the Council, (a) an Asus Vivobook I5 laptop at £349, (b) Microsoft Home and Student software at £125, (c) a Canon TS5350A printer at £60 plus ink cartridges.
It was also resolved the Clerk be given delegated authority to spend up to £600 should be above not be available.

8. Financial statements for September and October 2022 and approval of cheques scheduled
The financial statements had previously been emailed showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget, together with a bank reconciliation. It was:
RESOLVED (a) the September and October statements be approved and signed; (b) the cheques shown in the schedules be approved and signed.

7. Community Speedwatch and SID fundraising
The CSW group had been advertising a fundraising event taking place in December to advance the purchase of a SID. Councillors AGREED to financially support the efforts and so would wait to hear the results of the fundraiser.
The B3082 as it passed the crossroads with the Valley Road was discussed, with Cllr Thompson noting the hatching white line had been partially replaced. It was suggested traffic lights be considered and the Clerk would report back on this at the next meeting.

10. Bus shelter – St Richard’s Close
The Clerk had previously emailed two quotes for the replacement of the bus shelter roof. Following discussion it was:
RESOLVED the Chairman and Cllr Sweetland would assess the work required and arrange for it to be carried out on a voluntary basis.

12. Planning application updates
Councillors thanked Cllr Thomson for the monthly update and received the following:

Reference Address Decision Notes
Tarrant Keyneston
04420 Little Thatch Pending No objection

Tarrant Rushton
02997 Ashton Pending No objection

Tarrant Rawston
03227 Addison Cottages Granted No objection

Cllr Ray Thompson reported on a Planning Portal \ website meeting he had attended. This included advising the portal weblinks issued with individual consultations to the Parish Council were unique to the Council and its councillors. The Chairman thanked Cllr Thompson for attending.

Cllr Stuart Thomson had previously attending a planning policy meeting and had shared information from this with the Council. It was AGREED this be recirculated.

4b. Report of County Councillor
Cost of Living – Cllr Brown reported on Dorset Council’s distribution of discretionary funding to those in need at this time. He was also asking for funding to go to those living in poorly insulated Park homes, often vulnerable and dependent on heating oil and its associated costs.
More information can be found at Dorset Council’s website.

Investment Zones – Dorset Council had registered their interest in this central government initiative, though further information was required before they would make any commitment. This would include implications for the relaxation of planning requirements.
Ukrainian refugee support – Dorset Council was to provide further funding to host families.
Livestock welfare – Cllr Brown reported Dorset Council had successfully prosecuted a cattle farmer who had subsequently been fined.
Election costs – it was clarified the Parish Council would only incur costs if places were contested and that overall costs would be split between County and Parish elections.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Brown for his report.

11. Provision of a new waste bin in Tarrant Keyneston and Tarrant Rushton – update
The Clerk reported the proposed siting of the bins had been sent to Dorset Waste Partnership and was waiting for confirmation of acceptance. A lead in time of approximately 12 weeks had been advised.

12. Emergency \ Resilience Plan
Councillors considered the development of a Plan, with resilience being defined by the Cabinet Office as ‘communities and individuals harnessing local resources and expertise to help themselves in an emergency, in a way that complements the response of the emergency services.’ It had been previously AGREED a Plan that reflected the local facilities etc would be useful.

The Clerk suggested residents may like to participate in this one-off project and councillors to consider if they were aware of anyone to ask. Cllr Thompson volunteered to look further into the development of a plan and would contact the Clerk post the meeting.

14. Villages website development and launch
The Clerk reported the working party discussions on the launch of the Tarrant Keyneston village site had yet to take place and so would report back to the January meeting.

16. Noticeboard – Tarrant Crawford
Cllr Parker confirmed the PCC would be placing a noticeboard at St Mary’s Church and so it was noted this may not be the best place for Parish Council notices, given it was some distance from the majority of the Tarrant Crawford houses. This would be a January agenda item when a discussion could take place on the need to replace the board and Cllr Parker could report back on whether a board could be placed more centrally.

There had been no further meetings. Cllr Beale reported the Area meeting would be held on 16th November and the AGM on 19th November which would discuss the Motions previously shared with councillors.

18. Items for next agenda
Villages website
Queen’s Copse Wildflower planting
Tarrant Crawford noticeboard
Community Speedwatch
SID fundraising
Emergency \ Resilience Plan
Bus shelter, St Richards Close
Dog waste bin
Council IT hardware

19. Date of next meeting
This was confirmed as 10th January 2023.

Signed ……………………………….(Chairman) Date ……………………………………