South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

January 2022 Minutes

at 7pm in The Meeting Room, Rawston Farm, Tarrant Rawston

Present: Councillors Beale, Cossins (Chairman), Harding, Eaton, Garland (Vice Chairman), Parker and Thomson
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck

(This meeting was held at an alternative venue open to the press and public to allow for social distancing during the ongoing Covid pandemic.)

1. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence from this meeting were received from Cllrs Deketeleare, Munford and
Cllr Sweetland.

2. Declarations of interest not previously disclosed and to grant any dispensations as requested
None were disclosed or requested.

3. Resignation of a Councillor and subsequent vacancy
The resignation of Cllr Topliss due to a home move out of the Parish was noted and accepted by the Council. Thanks were extended for the commitment Cllr Topliss had given to the Council and the Parish together with good wishes for the future. The Clerk explained the vacancy would be advertised for a period of 14 days to allow for the calling of a poll if wished by the residents. After this (i.e., after 19th January), applications would be invited with a view to filling the vacancy by co-option. It was AGREED this would be advertised via the noticeboards, the website and on the Tarrant Keyneston village Whatsapp group.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th November 2021
There were no amendments requested and it was:
RESOLVED the minutes of the November meeting were approved for signing by the Chairman.

5. Report from the County Councillor
Cllr Brown was not in attendance.

6. Open Discussion of up to 30 minutes
There were no issues raised.

7. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Green Canopy
(a) proposed hedge planting at the War Memorial

The Chairman reported on consulting Mr Kelly on possible hedge planting and discussion followed. Concerns were expressed on care and future maintenance of a hedge and possible detrimental effects on the stone of the Memorial. The Clerk would investigate the supply of free trees and it was:
RESOLVED a small native tree be planted at the War Memorial site in commemoration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

(b) proposed tree planting

Cllr Beale suggested and it was AGREED the planting of a number of trees on the verge opposite the Queen’s Copse alongside the B3082 be investigated and reported back to the March meeting.

(c) Queen’s Copse – wildflower seed spreading
Mr Kelly had contacted the Council to suggest the collection and subsequent spreading of bluebell seeds under the Queen’s Copse. It was queried whether they are native bluebells and if they should be spread if they are not. The Clerk would investigate this further.

(d) Events marking the Jubilee – review and consideration for the March agenda
This item was to review events already in the planning for celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Cllr Eaton confirmed discussions had started on a picnic with entertainment at the Anne Biddlecombe Hall and Cllr Harding mentioned plans for an event at St Mary’s Church, possibly on 5th June.
This would be an item for the March agenda for awareness and assistance if appropriate.

8. Website – Villages
Councillors received an update on the way forward with the development of webpages for the four Tarrant villages which make up the Grouped Parish. A resident had agreed to take on the role of ‘reporter’ and the Council expressed their thanks for this. It was confirmed a line had been allocated in the budget to pay a small honorarium towards this work and:
RESOLVED the work to develop the Villages webpages go ahead with the estimated costs remaining as before.

9. Bus shelter – St Richard’s Close, Tarrant Keyneston
Cllr Eaton reported the roof on the shelter was leaking. It was AGREED Cllr Cossins, together with Cllr Sweetland, would look to repair it and report back to the March meeting.

10. Defibrillator at The Anne Biddlecombe Hall
The Council considered the expenditure outlined by Cllr Eaton with the Clerk adding there had been a ringfencing of £200 over the previous 4 years. Further expenditure of £100 was anticipated in 2023 for the replacement of pads. It was:
RESOLVED a replacement battery be ordered at a cost of £186 including VAT.

11. Financial statements for November and December 2021 and approval of cheques scheduled.
The Clerk had previously emailed the financial statement showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget. It was:
RESOLVED the November – December statement be approved and signed and the
cheques shown in the schedule also be approved and signed.

12. Budget for the 2022\23 financial year in support of setting the precept
A proposed draft budget had previously been emailed to councillors for consideration. The Clerk highlighted an additional line for the provision of a dog waste bin in Tarrant Keyneston at the start of the path through to Tarrant Crawford Church which had previously been requested by a councillor. Following discussion, it was:

(a) a dog waste bin be purchased as agreed in this minute, and,
(b) the proposed 2022 \ 23 budget be accepted and a precept request be made to Dorset Council for £5045, holding the Band D precept per household at the 2021\22 level.

13. Inclement Weather Plan
The Council reviewed the Inclement Weather Plan kindly produced by Cllr Thomson and now on version 3. It would be available on the Council’s website.
RESOLVED the Council adopt the Inclement Weather Plan v3 and publish it accordingly.

14. Anne Biddlecombe Hall and Recreation Ground – Parish Council representative
Cllr Garland reported that the Resolution from the November 2021 meeting (i.e., that future Council representation to the Hall and Recreation Ground Trust would be by the councillor holding the office of Chairman of the Council) had been accepted by the Management Committee and was therefore confirmed.

15. George Galpins Almshouses Trust – representative
Cllr Garland reported back on a Trustee meeting on 16th November 2021. There was a vacancy for a Trustee to represent the Parish Council though not necessarily needing to be an elected councillor. A new appointment to the Trustees had agreed to take up the vacancy for which the Council were grateful. After an expression of thanks to Mrs Liz Lee for her kind representation for the previous 4 years, it was:
RESOLVED Mr Simon Bowes would represent the Parish Council, (alongside Cllr Garland) for a period of 4 years, i.e, until January 2026, when the representation would be reviewed.

16. Community Speedwatch
The Clerk apologised for not requesting an update on this community initiative which would be a March agenda item.

17. Speed Indicator Device
The Clerk confirmed a Crowdfunding page could be set up to attempt to raise funds for a device, with the total estimated cost confirmed to be £5000. Use of any excess funds was discussed and it was:
RESOLVED that (a) the online platform approach be taken to fundraising and (b) that any excess funds be used to fund a further data survey in support of a third position for the device.

18. Tarrant Crawford Noticeboard – replacement
Cllr Parker confirmed he would follow up on enquiries about siting a replacement board (once purchased) in an alternative, more sheltered position to the original.
Cllr Eaton suggested the Council also consider the future replacement of the Tarrant Keyneston noticeboard and that the Mix and Mingle Coffee Mornings had produced funds which could be put towards its purchase. The funds would be held by Cllr Eaton until a decision was made by the Council.

19. Bonfires
A member of the public spoke of recent activity around burning of mixed waste. The Council’s work on publicising a neighbourly and acceptable approach to the use of bonfires was discussed as was the appreciation for the advice of the Rural Crime Team in using the emergency 999 line to report potentially toxic smoke. It was AGREED the Chairman would follow this advice if a report of this situation was made to him.

20. Application updates on the following (Dorset Council reference numbers):

Tarrant Keyneston 02031; 01277; 05270 – all pending
Tarrant Rawston 05438 – granted
Tarrant Rushton 03115 – granted

21. Ashley Wood development – enforcement
The Clerk updated councillors on email correspondence with Planning Enforcement. Plans showing the approved conditions had been requested. The Council expressed thanks for the perseverance in following this item through.

22. Proposed Blue Badge Car Park Charging Policy
This proposed Policy had previously been sent to Councillors. There were no adverse comments and it was generally AGREED the Policy was acceptable.

23. DAPTC – to receive any updates from Council representatives
Cllr Beale, on behalf of Cllr Eaton and herself, reported on the DAPTC AGM, referring to the previous discussion on the three motions and confirming all had been carried.

24 Items for next agenda
Villages website
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events
St Richards Close Bus shelter
Avian Bird Influenza
War Memorial – Queen’s Jubilee
Community Speedwatch
Speed Indicator Device
Ashley Wood – planning enforcement

25. Date of next meeting
This is currently set for 8th March followed by 10th May, 12th July, 13th September and
8th November 2022

Signed ……………………………….(Chairman) Date …………………………………….